New Years Resolutions-Ditch the Chemicals and Switch to Oils!

Happy 2018 to all of you! I am so excited to start the New Year with lots of ideas for blogging about my natural lifestyle here throughout the year! Of course, much of my natural lifestyle recently is linked to using Young Livings therapeutic grade essential oils!!

In the Spirit of a Healthy and Happy New Year, I thought it would be helpful to guide you guys month by month to making safer choices for you and your family all year long! Young Living has an awesome customized Monthly Wellness Box that allows me to easily and affordably purchase plant based, oil infused (bye bye synthetic fragrance!!) products.

So why should you look at your current home products?

In today’s world, some of the most dangerous things that affect our health are things we willingly expose ourselves to on the daily. And some of these things might not be what you expect! In fact, you might be completely oblivious to the fact that the products we use on ourselves, in our home, on our children, and in our everyday lives, could be the very things that are contributing to why we’re sick, why we have health problems, why we struggle emotionally, and why we are not living a life full of wellness, purpose, and abundance.

  • – Store bought soaps contain sodium laureth sulfate, a toxic chemical used to remove car grease off of garage floors. This can be damaging to the skin, as well as disruptive to immune health and hormonal health.

  • – Both adult and kid shampoos contain phthalates, a toxic chemical that has been banned in children’s toys, but is still found in body cleansing products!!! CRAZY! It is known to be an endocrine disruptor, and very hard for the body to break down when used consistently during bath time.

  • – The main ingredient in candles and home sprays is formaldehyde, which is the number one cancer causing chemical, and is what we get embalmed with at the morgue. They say inhaling scents from candles or sprays is the equivalent to inhaling second hand smoke, which is even more dangerous than actually smoking the cigarette itself.

  • – Store bought household cleaning products contain 2-butoxyethanol, which is a toxin known to cause sore throat, narcosis, and severe liver and kidney damage.

  • – Store bought laundry detergents and dryer sheets contain alpha-terpineol, benzyl alcohol, and camphor, which are all toxic ingredients that cause central nervous system disorders, loss of muscular coordination, central nervous system depression, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

  • – Many baby products contain the listed ingredient “fragrance,” which is simply a broad category that hides hundreds of toxic chemicals behind that word itself. Companies are not required to reveal the actual chemicals that are within the “fragrance” category, hence keeping the public in the dark about the true toxicity of the products we use on our little ones.

  • – The average female in the US is exposed to over 200 chemicals before they even leave their home in the morning, including talc, bismuth, parabens, lead, mercury, and mineral oil. These chemicals are all found in store bought skin care and makeup products, which can disrupt the endocrine system, are highly carcinogenic, and have even been found in tumors.


When we use those “toxic” products on ourselves and our children on a daily basis, the toxins build up and accumulate within our bodies – a process called “bioaccumulation.” This means that the more we expose ourselves to these toxins, the harder it is for our bodies to break them down. Because of this build up, it causes both minor and major health issues, that otherwise could be prevented if we simply quit using those toxins. Even if these issues aren’t apparent right now, they will be apparent later on down the road.

What’s even scarier to know, is some of the most popular “organic” products can still contain some of the ingredients, especially synthetic fragrance! Even if you think you’re making a better decision about going organic instead of conventional, there is still a probability that your organic product is still highly toxic for yourself or your little ones!

Don’t believe me? Visit the Environmental Working Group website at, plug in the ingredients of your products, and see how high it is rated in toxicity. Or, download the “Think Dirty” app on your smartphone, and look at the toxicity levels. The results will shock you, and will make you want to throw those products in the trash!!

Now, let me just say there is NO JUDGEMENT HERE! We have all used some of these products at some point. But once we educated ourselves on the toxicity of what we were using in our home, and then ditched and switched over to plant based products, our lives changed forever, and our family experienced the perfect wellness that God always intended for us to have.

So, what can I use instead of store bought products?

The only company I trust that has products with NONE of the chemicals listed above, that is even better than the “organic” label, and that only contains the purest of plant based ingredients, is Young Living. While they are an essential oil company, they are also a fully-equipped natural products company. They have supplements, beauty products, household cleaning products, stuff for kids and babies, home purifiers, bath and shower products, oral care, and yes – even makeup! This makes it easy to simply ditch the products you’re currently using, and replace it with something Young Living has instead. It is your one-stop-shop for all things you will need for yourself, for your home, for your children, and for your health!

For over 21 years, Young Living has been the world leader in producing and guaranteeing 100% pure and potent therapeutic grade essential oils and plant based products. They’ve got this standard called “Seed to Seal,” which places them in a category higher than any other company in the world. Basically, what “seed to seal” means, is from the time the seed of the plant is sourced, until it is put into an essential oil bottle or a plant based product, Young Living applies the most rigorous quality controls possible to ensure that you are receiving the product exactly the way nature intended it to be. Simply put, the only thing inside the essential oil bottle is the plant itself – no additives, fillers, synthetic fragrances, preservatives, or dyes (which is NOT the same for store bought essential oils, hence why other brands are dangerous and highly toxic).

The same goes for all of their products – the only ingredients within the products are the ones listed on the label, and they are all plant based. Not one single ingredient is synthetic, toxic, or chemically derived. In fact, remember how we discussed how you can go to or the Think Dirty app to view the toxicity of the products you are using? Most all products you are using, even the organic ones, have ingredients with levels that rank all the way up to a 10, 10 being the most toxic. With all of Young Living’s products, their ingredients have levels that rank nothing higher than a 1 or a 2. This goes to show and prove that there is no other company out there with safer, higher quality products – products that are also supporting your wellness, and not destroying it.

I know what you are thinking, yeah, I need to do this! I want my home and family to be healthier in 2018!!! But using natural and plant based products can be more expensive! If this is what you think, then I am so glad you are here! Because I will quickly debunk those assumptions by showing you how you’re not only saving money using Young Living’s plant based products, you’re saving your health, too!

Even if Young Living doesn’t have a product you’re thinking of that is already pre-made, you can make it yourself using their essential oils, which will save you tons of money and prevent toxin exposure, too!

Take a moment to think about this… what is the cost of tending to the health of yourself or someone in your family? How much money do you spend every month for every doctor visit or every pharmacy run? Even if you have good insurance, did you have to take off work during those situations? Was it stressful? Did it waste valuable time from actually living a life of wellness and happiness?

Let’s start shifting that paradigm, and thinking about the VALUE of taking care of your family. Have you ever heard the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” We can stop treating symptoms and start supporting systems by investing in our health, eliminating toxins and chemicals in our life, and flooding the body with nutrients and plant based ingredients instead.

While I am definitely NOT saying you should quit taking medications and going to the doctor (modern medicine is amazing and absolutely holds a vital place in this world), I am simply saying that there are essential oils and products you could be using that will support a healthy body and maintain a level of ultimate wellness. And while I am not a doctor, we don’t have to be a medical professional to make better decisions for our health and the health of our families.

Some people have a misconception of thinking that using Young Living products in their home and on their family is a new or added expense. WRONG! It’s not! Instead, what it is, is it’s a shift in spending. Everyone spends money on products every day, every month, every year (Hello Target, and Amazon Prime!!)– whether the products are good for you or not. With this route, you are getting safer products from a trusted source, all while saving time and money and often a headache by not having to drive to the store!

Here are 3 ways to afford Quality Safe YL products!

1) Get a Wholesale Membership!

This is how everyone gets started using Young Living products. With this route, you get wholesale pricing on everything they have instead of retail pricing, which saves you 24% on every single item they’ve got! All you need to do is order a starter kit of your choice, or customize your own starter kit, and you’ll automatically get access to wholesale pricing on anything you want to try.

You can choose an Oil Kit, a Thieves Home Products Kit or a Ningxia Red Nutritional Kit!!

2) Get on Essential Rewards Immediately!

Another cool thing about Young Living, is they give store credit to frequent buyers. There is a super cool!!!

The Essential Rewards program is optional but available to all YL members! It acts as a “monthly wellness box” that you can customize and get shipped to you every month, filled with products you are needing for your family or in your home. Over time, you can earn up to 25% back in points ( store credit) for your orders, and those points you can use towards getting products for FREE. With Essential Rewards, you can also take advantage of the FREE monthly promotions that Young Living has, cheaper shipping options, and the option to cancel at any time. So, basically, Young Living pays you to order their products through this program. Name another store that will do that for you?! NONE!

This program also gives you a means of affordably ditching and switching, which can be a process to do. So, one month, you can order household cleaning products. The next month, you can order beauty products. The next month, you can order baby products, or supplements, or essential oils, or makeup, whatever you need – so on and so forth! To earn all of these perks and benefits of the Essential Rewards program, it’s only a minimum of 50 PV (or $50) in products for each monthly box. Now, before you think that’s a lot, it’s TOTALLY not! We all spend well over $50 a month on products every single month. All this is, is shifting that spending from the store to something natural instead. Even people with the most minimal budgets can do Essential Rewards!

Here’s a video I did all about the Essential Rewards program:)

3) Create DIY products yourself!

Some people find even more ways to pinch pennies and reduce toxins in their home by creating DIY products with

Young Living’s essential oils and products. There are literally thousands upon thousands of recipes out there to create chemical-free options for yourself and your family and we will post some of them in the posts to follow! My Favorite Beginner Oiler Book with oily Recipes is French Aromatherapy.

When you add Young Living’s essential oils to your DIY products, the powerful plant properties will add natural fragrance, be soothing to the skin, act as a natural purifying agent, and will support your overall health at the same time, all depending on what you’re making. Basically, adding oils to your DIY recipes will make them even better for you than if you didn’t add them at all!

For the month of January, I will be focusing on cleansing my home and body of as many hidden toxins as possible! You can follow my “deep cleanse” on my Instagram stories NaturalnGlamorous as I declutter, organize and challenge myself to a 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse to make room for new, safe healthy products in my home. Want to join me as I cleanse my home and body? Send me a message and I’ll help you get started!!

Each month this year I will guide you to making the switch to safer products room by room with the end goal being a healthier and happier family by the end of 2018!! Don’t forget to subscribe to never miss a post and get all your 2018 Health Tips XOXO


1) Sign up as a member (not retail) with this link

**Being a member does NOT require any commitment, hidden fees, or automated shipments, it is just a login! You must sign up as a member in order to get the premium start kit**

2) Pick which kit/diffuser you would like!

3) I will send you an email personally, and help get you started with your oils & welcome you to the community!
