How to Clean a Naturally Whirlpool Tub!

This week I am sharing how I naturally clean my whirlpool (jetted) tub!

I avoid chemicals in my home like the plaque! They are the leading cause behind so many system disruptors, hormones, immune systems, nervous systems… I could go on!

I have been cleaning without chemicals for years-switching bleach and disinfectant for vinegar and organic products. There was a problem with my cleaning however, it smelled like vinegar for one, which doesn’t have the most fresh or appealing scent. Everyone loves a fresh smelling clean home, right? The next problem-which ended up being HUGE was my beloved organic cleaners-hand washes, counter cleaners and laundry soap rated a 9/10 in the Think Dirty App for toxicity. Why you may ask. The synthetic fragrance (another name for C-H-E-M-I-C-A-L) like lavender and lemon!!!

This info was very disheartening. I am only recently learning how chemicals effect our systems, but I have always intuitively known that to support my families bodies naturally and see their immune systems strong, I had to keep the chemicals out of my home. Imagine my shock when I realized that synthetic fragrance was one of THE most dangerous chemicals found in homes!

My solution-therapeutic grade essential oils. I found Young Living essential oils through a like-minded natural mama and once I got my hands on my very first bottle, I haven’t looked back! Their standards for purity matched my standards for “pickiest mom ever” and the smell and touch of their oils was all I needed to confirm I was using the most natural oil available on the market.

Where is this all leading? To a organically, naturally, safe AND yummy smelling home! I began incorporating essential oils into my home made cleaning products right away! I ditched the Mrs Meyers products (Yep, threw them all away! There’s no benefit to finish a product that is hurting my family!!) and starting using Thieves and Lemon essential oils to clean in my kitchen and bathroom, my hardwood floors and windows and mirrors-basically everywhere!

So without further ado, here is my non-toxic, oily recipe for naturally cleaning a whirlpool-or jetted-tub!

Fill your tub with hot water 3 inches past the jets.


4 TBSPS of baking soda

8 drops of Young Living therapeutic grade Lemon essential oil

1/2 Cup Vinegar

Let the jets run for 15 minutes and then drain the tub.

Refill the tub with cold water 3 inches past the jets and let the jets run for another 15 minutes to release all

dirt that may be stuck in the jets.

Boil a pot of water and add to a bucket

After the water has cooled for 15 minutes add 1 cap of Thieves Cleaner and 5 drops of lemon essential oil

Use a cotton bar mop to clean the tub with the Thieves water and wipe up all residue that was shaken loose from the jets

Thieves cleaner is so safe, I even helped Teddy clean Curious Georgie’s face with the warm thieves water, cause “Curious needed a bath. Mommy” ????


1) Sign up as a member (not retail) with this link

**Being a member does NOT require any commitment, hidden fees, or automated shipments, it is just a login! You must sign up as a member in order to get the premium start kit**

2) Pick which kit/diffuser you would like!

3) I will send you an email personally, and help get you started with your oils & welcome you to the community!

#essentialoils #naturallifestyle #naturalcleaning