How To Get Started With Essential Oils


So…you’re ready to get oily?

Essential oils are amazing for wellness! They help you use natural remedies for your family, clean your home without chemicals and fill your home with safe, yummy scents! When you get your hands on your own Young Living oils and start making healthy changes in your home with them, you will not regret it! You will feel empowered knowing you are using pure, wholesome and safe products in your home! At least that is how I felt when I got my first set of YL oils!

In this post, I will cover how to get started, and also everything else you might want to know about joining this community of natural minded woman and oil lovers! There are SO many essential oil companies out there, but I personally choose & use Young Living’s oils for my family. You can read why here.

So how do you get started? …with a starter kit, of course!

To bring oils into your home and learn how to incorporate them for a more natural and oily lifestyle, the Starter Kit is the way to go! This is how everyone starts at Young Living because it gives you a collection of 12 dreamy, useful oils and a diffuser to get going right away! You also receive your wholesale membership (fo life!) with the purchase of a kit, which is simply 24% OFF the retail price of Young Living oils and products whenever you order!

When you are a member, you will choose a log in and password and have access to the YL wholesale catalog at anytime! No ordering from a rep! You get full control! Sign me up, you say? That’s exactly what I said, too!

The Premium Starter Kit is valued at $400 but packaged together for only $165.

The 12 oils are:

-Valor: Courage and confidence

-Peace & Calming-Calm Mind and Space

– Lavender: sleep & skin support

– Stress Away: the name says it all!

– Purification: purifies stinky spaces, a cleaning must!

– Raven: respiratory support, life saver if you’ve got the sniffles

– Frankincense: skin support & great for emotional balance

– Digize: the BEST for digestive support

– Lemon: Cleansing, Fresh & Energizing

– Thieves: Immunity support

– Peppermint: refreshing & energizing, also can help ease nausea or head tension

– Panaway: Relieves tired muscles & joints

– When you grab your kit, you get the wholesale discount (24% off everything!) there are no monthly fees/minimums and you never have to sell if you don’t want! Aka zero pressure!

Watch my video HERE un-boxing the starter kit to see how I use each oil!


Still have some questions? Here the most commonly asked questions!

Yay! I got my oils, now what?

Oh how I love this question!!

When you grab your oils at my link above, you gain a community! I have two private Facebook groups to add you to once you get set up! One is Lavender Droppers Education, our oil community filled with thousands of oil users and lovers! You can ask all of your oily questions there or just use the search menu, because most likely the question has already come up in our community! This group is supportive and really fun to be a part of!

The second group is Natural & Glamorous Oilers and it’s a members only group that I facilitate. Here I have a ton of resources available for using your starter kit and membership specifically! There is a Welcome Post with Starter Kit Tips and Tutorials, More info and details on Wellness Boxes and Tips on sharing about your oils and getting a referral check from Young Living or getting started in the YL biz! I hang out there daily and can’t wait for you to join me! You’ll know exactly what to do with your oils before they even get to you!

I will also send you an email personally, and help get you started with your oils & welcome you to the community!

Okay, I’m do I restock my oils & try new things?

Great question! The answer is to get on the Essential Rewards program. While being a YL member does not require any kind of monthly minimum, you do have access to the rewards program, where you can get a monthly wellness box delivered right to your door each month and earn store credit and free oils with every order!

Here’s why I signed up for a wellness box each month:

  • I needed to restock my favorite kit oils! There were certain oils I just NEEDED to have on hand!
  • I wanted to start trying and using the cleaners, personal care and nutritional products that YL offered to me as a wholesale member!

Here’s what I get for having a Wellness Box each month:

  • For each Wellness Box order I place I receive store credit in the form of loyalty points (anywhere from 10%-25% back on each order!!), which can be later used on future purchases.
  • There are FREE promos each month, so when I place my monthly order to restock my favorites, I get free oils and/or products popped right into my box each month based on how much I spend!
  • Everything comes straight to my door, with discounted shipping! This is a a moms dream!!
  • I get loyalty gifts along with my order at months 3, 6, 9, and 12! Just because Young Living values my loyalty to their oils and safe products, they include special gifts for me, too! The free gift for month 12 is an oil called Loyalty and it’s only available as a gift from YL!
  • I get the peace of mind knowing everything is safe, clean, and free of any harmful chemicals !!

All you have to do to receive a monthly wellness box and earn rewards is place a 50PV order (1PV = $1) or more each month. So that could be a few oils, a few products from the Thieves line, some all natural non-toxic makeup, another diffuser, some baby products, you name it! For me personally, I signed up for ER to not only keep my oil collection stocked and slowly growing, but also to gradually and affordably replace all of my toxic & potentially harmful household & personal care products. As I run out of each not-so-clean product, I replace it with the safe, natural YL alternative. This is called the ditch & switch!

Do I have to sell oils?

Absolutely not! When you sign up as a wholesale member, you have the option to earn a referral fee and/or a commission from sharing about your oils, but you never have to sell a thing! It’s just another feature attached to your membership! Many Young Living members just purchase their favorite oils & products (usually in a monthly wellness box) and never step onto the business side. I promise you, though, your friends and family will want oils after you start using them, you can always send them my way & I’ll be happy to help them through the process!

What if I want to share this oily lifestyle and community with my family & friends?

You absolutely can! If a friend or family member wants to sign up to get a starter kit of their own, make sure to give them your member # to sign up under, and YL will send you $50 as a thank you! When you get your Welcome Letter from me, you will get your own referral link to send to send when someone wants to grab their own oils. If at any time you are interest4ed in getting into the business side of Young Living (so many women have actually retired their husbands from it..crazy!!) just let me know and I show you how!

I know I was kind of overwhelmed with all the things I could do at Young Living when I signed up and joined this whole new world of oils, but that is totally ok!! If you have decided to sign up & join this healthy lifestyle community, just know that it is seriously going to be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. And I’ll be here to help you start your oily wellness journey!!

So excited to have you join me on this chemical-free journey! Look for a Welcome email from me as soon as you get set up (check your junk mail, sometimes it gets lost in there!)

XOXO Jamie

#naturalcleaning #naturallifestyle #DIY #YoungLiving #starterkit