How To Get Started With Natural Cleaning

Thives Kit

If you know me, you know I spend a lot of time choosing wholesome foods and products for Teddy and my family. I look into EVERYTHING before I bring it into my home! I don’t use anything that has a list of ingredients that I don’t know what they are. I really focus most of my time on preparing healthy, nutrient dense foods and I am a little obsessed with keeping toxins out of our bodies, especially for my little man!

I may ba little obsessed over evey detail when it comes to health and my family, but it is my top priority right now as a mama and homeaker! Where I buy my food, if it’s organic, if it’s local, if it’s prepared the proper way for maximum nutrient absorption! Yup! I’m THAT mom! I always have been, and I’ll be honest, I’m not going to change!

Seriously, I like nutrition, I always have and I have always liked making healthy choices for my family. I know I have a lot of mommy friends who feel the same. exact. way. And even the ones who aren’t as into health and nutrition, still care A LOT about keeping their kids healthy-especially during the 10 months of germ spreading school days!

The hazards of toxins and the secret chemicals in our products are being exposed more and more today and none of us want them in our homes or in our kids bodies!

…But seriously, it’s a 24/7 job to keep kids healthy! There’s school and birthday parties and those artificially flavored “fun” drinks and the bright colored artificially scented bubble baths and even tooth paste! The chemicals in all of the products around us are doing a number on everyones immune systems and combating every school bug is pretty common when you’re a mama!

I have an easy solution for you! The Natural Cleaning Kit From Young Living! These products are made with plants and infused with Thieves Essential Oil for a natural, body supporting alternative to chemical-filled cleaners!

So just What is Thieves?

Thieves essential oil got it’s name during the time of the Black Plague. Grave robbers would steal valuables from the bodies, but they never got sick. When they were questioned, they told their secret. The blend of Rosemary, Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon and Eucalyptus spices were worn all over their bodies. These are the oils that Young Living mixed together for their power oil “Thieves” Cool, huh?!

We found such dramatic changes in our health after adding Thieves oil to our home! In this post, I’ll go over some of my favorite Thieves products we keep in our home to stay healthy and resilient throughout the LONG school year using this amazing power oil! All of them happen to be in the Thieves Natural Cleaning Starter Kit!

When you are ready to ditch your cleaners and GO THIEVES, you can grab your starter kit of cleaners here.

Let’s start with Thieves Household Cleaner! This has been a GAME CHANGER for us! This stuff beautifully cleans your home without toxic chemicals AND it smells like Christmas ( or fall) !! Here’s some of the reasons I love this product!

• Therapeutic grade Thieves and Lemon Essential Oils (both are great for cleaning)

• Biodegradable cutting agents with ingredients that are rated as a 0 on the Environmental Working Group’s Health Hazard Score (which runs 0 to 10 – 10 of which is being the worst, and 0 is the “best”)

•Vegetable based surfactants that are Green Seal Compliant and also compliant with EPA design for Environment standards

• It’s completely non-toxic

This is a condensed formula, so you dilute it to make your cleaner! YL’s oils are very powerful and only a few drops are needed to receive their therapeutic benefit! When making a spray bottle, you just add one cap to water in s spray bottle ! That’s it! 1 bottle makes around 22 spray bottles or 22 buckets of floor cleaner.

Retail Customer Price $28.50 Wholesale Member $22.50

Check out this experiment done comparing Thieves Oil, and Thieves Household Cleaner

to conventional and green cleaners!

Thieves Hand Soap

What’s another one of our secrets to keeping our home free of all those nasty sick bugs? Immune Supporting Hand Soap!!

I’m gonna be completely honest, I totally cringe at fake fragrant soaps! I avoid them at all costs when we are out in public and I stopped buying my Mrs. Meyers soaps 2 years ago! Here’s why:

Many soaps-including “organic” ones rely on synthetic ingredients including artificial fragrance and the synthetic ingredient triclosan to defend against harmful bacteria.

These ingredients are not able to be processed out of our bodies like natural ingredient and literally get stuck! Chemicals build up over time and cause hormone and immune system disruptions- basically they weaken our bodies every time we use them!. Seriously, I’d rather us NOT wash our hands, then use public soap!

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap is a great alternative to chemical-based soaps. It is gentle enough to be used regularly without drying or striping the skin of it’s natural oils. It also give your body a quick immune boost with each wash! Did you know that whatever touches your skin is absorbed into your body within 26 seconds?!?

Thieves Soap is also FREE from Benzethonium Chloride, Lauramine Oxide

Ethyldimonium Ethosulfate and Dyes

$17.43 Retail $13.25 Wholesale Member

3 pack- $48.03 Retail $36.50 Wholesale Member

PRO TIP! When your foaming hand soap runs out, you can refill the bottle with this SIMPLE and EASY DIY soap!

This is SO much cheaper alternative to natural store-bought brands, and you can change up the essential oils in this recipe to customize your scent and create seasonal blends For instance, I like Lavender in the spring because it reminds me of spring flowers. In the fall, try Thieves and Orange essential oils for a pumpkin spice scent.

One thing I noticed when I got YL oils, is that their oils smell SO pure and EXACTLY like the plants themselves! So when I make my own soaps, they don’t smell alchol-y, chemically, perfume-y or super sweet! l smell real lavender and Cloves! YUMMM

For this recipe, I used Thieves because it comes in the starter natural cleaning kit already!

1. Pour water to fill within 1 inch of the top of the empy dispenser. You need enough room for the other ingredients and to put the pump lid back on.

2. Add 2 TBS of Unscented Castile soap, oil, and 10-20 drops of Thieves essential oils.

3. Replace pump lid.

4. Dispense soap as needed. Use and enjoy!

So what do I do when we are out if I’m avoiding public soaps?. I bring along my Thieves Purifier!

As a plant-based hand cleanser, Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier is safe and effective for staving off dirt and grime while I’m in public! I DO NOT enter public restroom without this stuff! I use this as a healthy alternative to soap to sanitize our hands at restaurants, stores and starbucks!

The gentle formula feels great on our hands, helping to keep the hands fresh, smooth and soft. It doesn’t dry our hands like conventional hand sanitizer because there is no alchohol!

The Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier features all-natural ingredients of denatured ethanol SD-38B (denatured with peppermint essential oil), water, aloe barbadensis leaf, vegetable glycerin, clove oil, lemon oil, cinnamon oil, eucalyptus radiata† leaf oil, rosemary oil and hydroxylpropyl cellulose.

Thieves toothpaste is another way we keep our bodies strong during the school year!

The following are just some of the common harmful ingredients in conventional toothpastes:

• Fluoride

• SLS ( Sodium Lauryl Sulfate)

• Artificial Flavors / Colors

• Artificial Sweeteners


• Propylene Glycol

• Triclosan


• Parabens

• Carrageenan

Some of these ingredients are known to be toxic to reproduction, cause antibiotic resistance and infertility, impaired muscle function, altered thyroid function and allergies. And that’s just a small list of the many side effects.

“Okay, but it’s just my toothpaste…” Well, you are using your toothpaste twice a day, every single day hopefully, which creates consistent exposure to these chemicals. Not only that, but these toxic ingredients are found in other things we use often as well, like hand and dish soap and a host of other personal care products.

Thieves tooth paste is made from Naturally derived ingredients to gently lift stains for vivid, brilliantly clean teeth. We really like that it has a minty taste from Peppermint and Wintergreen essential oils and also contains baking soda. It’s free from fluoride, synthetic dyes and preservatives.

$13.62 Retail $10.50 Wholesale

Ready to ditch the chemicals that are making everyone sick and making it really hard for everyone to stay healthy?

You can do just tha with the Thieves Premium Starter Kit!

It comes with:

– 15 ml Thieves Essential Oil

– (2) bottles of Thieves Spray

– (2) 14.4 ounce bottles of Thieves Household Cleaner

-Thieves Mouthwash

– Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste (our favorite!)

– (2) Thieves Foaming Hand Soap

– (2) Thieves Hand Purifier

– 2 Ningxia Red Samples


– 5 ml Stress Away blend

– All the literature and resources you could need.

Thieves Starter Kit $160

When you grab your kit, you get the wholesale discount (24% off everything!) there are no monthly fees/minimums and you never have to sell if you don’t want! Aka zero pressure!

I have recipes for room and linen sprays, your Thieves cleaner and tutorials for making your own hand soap when it needs to be replaced in my Oil Education Group ready for you once your kit arrives! You’ll be added to the private facebook group after you grab your kit!

If you’re already racking up the benefits of being a Young Living member, you can grab the Thieves Essential Rewards Bundle as a Quick Order!

I am SO excited for you to start going chemical-free in your home! This is seriously THE easiest way to start!

XOXO -Jamie

#naturallifestyle #starterkit #naturalcleaning