Top 4 Favorite Recipes from “The Plan”


Welcome to my first ever Friday Favorites! I will be sharing my favorite things with you all each Friday and this week, I’m starting with some recipes from a book I’ve been a little bit obsessed with this month The Metabolism Plan-By Lyn Genet

The Plan is a 21 day elimination diet, where you eliminate all highly inflammatory or reactive foods from your diet and slowly add foods back in to test how they react in your specific body.

We started with a base of super yummy vegetarian foods, 4 of which I will give you the recipes to in this blog post:

Flax Granola

Blueberry Pear Chia Seed Smoothie

Carrot Ginger Soup

“Cream” of Broccoli Soup

A few things I learned during The Plan

1. Eating highly reactive LETTUCE is a thing! Jared and I gained A LOT of weight (how you test your bodies reaction) when I picked up romaine hearts instead of baby romaine lettuce!

2. I gained weight one day from NOT EATING ENOUGH OILIVE OIL! You should have 2-4 TBSPs a day and apparently it’s also a thing to gain weight from not eating enough healthy fats! and

3. Everybody’s body truly is unique! Jared tested safe with Mexican dinner but highly reactive to Pizza. I tested safe to both of those and lost weight with pasta! Regular (organic) white flour pasta! Now I’m not gonna eat it by the pound because there are ZERO nutrients in it, but can I get an AMEN for pasta!!!??

Now for the recipes!!! I hope you enjoy them! I highly recommend grabbing this book on Amazon and trying it out! It’s so eye-opening to see what your body does and does not like!

Flax Granola

Flax Granola (makes 2-4 servings)

1 cup water

2 cups whole flaxseeds

1 tbsp agave nectar

2 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp ground cardamom

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/2 tsp nutmeg

1/2 cup raisins

Preheat oven to 275F degrees.

Combine water and flaxseeds in a medium bowl and mix well. Let sit for 30 minutes and mix again.

Add agave, cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla extract and nutmeg to flaxseeds and mix thoroughly.

Spread granola in a thin layer on a baking sheet and bake for 50 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 225F degrees.

Cut a sheet of granola into clusters, flip and bake an additional 30-40 minutes, until thoroughly dry.

Add raisins and store them in an airtight container. Consume within 2 weeks

Blueberry, Pear, Chia Seed Smoothie

(Makes 1 serving, 10g protein)

1 ripe pear

½ cup berries

¼ avocado

¼ cup chia

Rice Dream (RD) or Silk Coconut Milk (SCM)

Option- 1 tsp honey or agave

Option- vanilla extract or cinnamon

Fill Blender with enough RD or SCM to fill to 16 or 20 oz.


Ice is not recommended if you have thyroid dysfunction.

Carrot Ginger Soup

Makes 5 quarts

1 tbsp ground cinnamon

1 tbsp ground cumin

1 tbsp freshly ground black pepper

1 tsp ground cloves

1 tsp cardamom

1/2 tsp turmeric

1/2 tsp allspice

4 – 7 quarts water

5lb carrots, chopped

2 large red onions, chopped

3 large zucchini, chopped

8 cloves garlic, peeled

5 to 6 inches fresh ginger, peeled

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Combine Cinnamon, cumin, black pepper, cloves, cardamom, turmeric, and allspice in a dry skillet over medium-low heat and cook, stirring constantly, for 30 seconds.

IN a large soup pot, combine water, carrots, onions, zucchini, garlic, ginger, and olive oil; add toasted spices. Bring water to a boil and then let simmer for 45 minutes, until carrots are soft. Reserve 2 to 4 quarts of the broth for future soup stocks.

Transfer remaining soup to a blender in batches and puree. Note: You can add one 14oz can of full-fat unsweetened coconut milk and 5 to 6 Vietnamese chili peppers while cooking for a creamier, spicer soup!

Cream of Broccoli Soup

(Makes 6-8 servings, 8 grams protein per 16oz)

3 tbsp butter

1 large onion chopped

1 tbsp dried sage

1 tsp cumin

½ tsp dried celery seed

2 cups carrot essence or homemade chicken broth (see The Plan Cookbook)

2 cups water

1 can full-fat coconut milk

8 cups broccoli, chopped (about 4 heads of broccoli)

4 cups zucchini, chopped (about 2 medium zucchini)

1 small to medium avocado

1 tbsp Sriracha -optional

Ground black pepper to taste

Sautee onion and spices in 3 tbsp of butter. Add in all ingredients and cook until vegetables are tender, approximately 25-30 minutes.

Add in avocado, blend and serve! For a less creamy soup add more water.

Other recipes we LOVED were the Blueberry-Pear Compote, The Apple Streusel, The Spicy Coconut Sauce!

Have you guys tried these recipes? Do you love them? What are your other favs in the Metabolism Plan?

Get The Metabolism Plan Book NOW!